Strivtech | Mandala Mural at the Office
For this Mural, I created a Moodboard that gave me inspiration with ideas, colors and shapes that I would like to integrate in the design
I started doing my first sketches and proposals for the mandalas that I wanted to create
Then I transformed all my ideas into vectors... These are my firsts sketches.
But they were too colorful and not the company's color palette, So I tried to focus on doing something more simple and use a limited color palette and gradients
I use the same mandala shapes with the company's logo in the center. I mixed the color pallete with gradients and I was please with the result. I presented the new proposal to the founder of the company and he approved the mural. It was time to adapt the design into the semi private space at the office. 
This is a mockup of the mandala mural design in the office
Installation process for the vinyl
And this is me with the final result! Hope you like it!

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